Do You Need A Public Speaking Coach?
Well, do you?
The short answer is: probably not.
WHAT?! Did a public speaking coach just tell you that you don't need (someone like) him?? He cray-cray, as a former classmate from drama school used to say!
Let me explain: most people don't have public speaking goals big enough to NEED (someone like) me. Since I do have clients, obviously some people still do, though!
So whom do I work with, you ask?
Business owners and entrepreneurs who...
* already have some success under their belt (so their business isn't a side-gig, or just starting to get off the ground)
* are already doing public speaking engagements (talks, speeches, stakeholder presentations, etc)
* aren't lacking 'confidence' and don't have stage fright
* (most importantly) are AMBITIOUS and want to get to that next level with their public speaking.
Because they know that you can't play wallflower to get your brand and business above a certain level. Can't have impact and become a member of the 'cool kids club' of your industry if nobody knows you!
Or if you can't confidently address your peers face-to-face and tell your story.
So that's who I work with. Not freelancers who are kinda sorta winging it, and might be looking to start their Youtube channel/IG but still be a little camera-shy. Or people who might go on the odd podcast as a guest, and need a little pep talk pre-interview. Nothing wrong with being that person, BTW - it's just not the size of problem I deal with.
And more importantly: it's often not the size of problem YOU need to get paid help for, unless you're in a big hurry.
Truth is, by simply practicing regularly, putting yourself out there, and maybe joining your local Toastmasters, you might already be there. You don't need to be an amazing speaker to go on the odd podcast, or do the odd 'guest expert' appearance in a free FB group. Or do the odd video to promote your business on social media. Usually, you just need to be OK.
Sure, I can help you get to that level faster if you're truly struggling...but you'll likely stumble your way there eventually, even solo.
However, if you need to become a fantastic speaker - then yes, you almost certainly do need me. Because as a trained actor and experienced teacher, I can give you things you won't just stumble into, no matter how long you try to DIY it. Kinda how like a doctor can do things for your health you'll probably never manage to do with self-study (unless you have removed your own appendix successfully, I guess?).
You likely won't learn how to mesmerize the crowd, tell a story people will remember for a long time, stand out among other great speakers, or get your speaking to the level where you're NAILING high-status speaking gigs (TED talks, keynotes at important industy events, media interviews - especially if you want to get paid) on your own. Or become part of the 'cool kids club' of your industry!
There's a difference between being a decent speaker, and a fantastic one. Between kinda sorta doing it, and NAILING it. And good speakers know that difference - and when the stakes are high, they don't like leaving it up to chance. So they hire someone like me to help them get there ;) BIG are your speaking goals?
If they're not that audacious: start practicing. Even 5-10 minutes a day. You've got a camera and a mirror - use them.
If they are big, bold, audacious, though: get in touch ;)